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5 Important Types of Belly Fat and How to Lose Visceral Fat

Belly Fat is very common in women. There are types of belly fat in women and all types of belly fat. Belly fat is also called subcutaneous fat or visceral fat. Belly fat accumulates around organs like heart, liver and kidneys. Belly fat has been found to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Belly fat has also been found to be associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes.

A good diet will work if you change your lifestyle for at least eight weeks. Losing belly fat requires a combination of exercise and proper nutrition. Weight loss diets provide information on losing body weight, but not necessarily losing fat. A healthy diet will consist of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and low calorie, low fat, high fiber foods.

An effective diet plan will limit carbohydrates and fats. The American Dietetic Association suggests that people get less than fifty grams of carbohydrates and no more than eight grams of saturated fats per day. This diet guideline will help you avoid fad weight-loss diets that claim to reduce belly fat by restricting carbs and fats while increasing protein and carbohydrates. If you follow this guideline, you will limit your intake of carbohydrates but increase the amount of protein and fiber.

A good diet consists of mainly complex carbohydrates, but does not include simple carbohydrates, which are found in breads, pastries, and some processed foods. Simple carbohydrates are digested too quickly, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. When the body uses carbohydrates for energy, it releases fatty acids. These are stored in both liver and fat cells. Consuming too many carbs can cause obesity, especially when there is not a strong secondary source of energy other than exercise. People who eat little in the way of complex carbohydrates may get fatter because they rely on their blood sugar and insulin levels to compensate for a lack of carbs in their diet.

Subcutaneous Fat Around the Waist One of the reasons that most people struggle with getting rid of belly fat is that they focus only on losing weight around the waist. While it is important to lose weight around the waist, you should also lose fat around the mid-section, particularly beneath the arms. The skin is a strong barrier against toxins and can retain even dangerous chemicals and pollutants that you ingest through eating and breathing. It may seem contradictory to the idea that you want to get rid of belly fat, but cellulite is actually formed from subcutaneous fat. You want to eliminate visceral fat, not just the belly fat.

In order to reduce subcutaneous fat, you must adopt a balanced approach to dieting and exercise. You must eat foods that are low in calories but high in nutritional value. Lean meats, whole-grain breads, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats such as those found in nuts and seeds, olives and olive oil are excellent sources of calories without increasing your calorie intake. You should also adopt a proper amount of exercise, which does not necessarily have to be strenuous. Aerobic exercise is great at burning calories, and it will also increase your metabolism so that you burn more calories when you are at rest.

Men, women, and young and old alike all need to do some form of strength training to lose visceral fat. Strength training will build lean muscle mass, which burns more calories and is a good thing. Many people think that by doing strength training you will end up with big muscles, but you do not. Instead, you will end up with stronger, bulkier muscles that can support your new diet and exercise routine. Men and women can both benefit from strength training and the same types of diets and exercise routines can help men or women lose belly fat.

One great way to get rid of belly fat and increase your metabolism is through consuming more natural carbs. The type of carbs you consume should be ones that your body stores and uses quickly. You should avoid refined carbohydrates (white flour, cookies, etc) and those that contain lots of sugar. Instead, eat plenty of whole-grain carbs such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and unrefined rice and whole-grains like barley and wheat.
