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Types Of Belly Fat And How To Lose It

Belly fat is simply the accumulated fat in the abdominal area that becomes distended. Most women tend to have excess belly fat due to their gender, age, body type, and genetic factors. Belly fat tends to be particularly difficult to burn because it has a higher percentage of water than other fats in the body. Also, the adipose tissue, or fat cells, within the body tend to be tightly packed and difficult to break down.

types of belly fat

Types of Belly Fat Examples for Men Types of belly fat are not as hard to find as you might imagine. The first types of belly fat are simple by definition: fat around the abdomen that is difficult to shed through regular exercise and diet. This is often referred to as saggy belly fat. This is usually the easiest type of belly fat to burn through diet and exercise, and many people may be able to benefit from a basic exercise routine to improve this kind of fat. The second, and more serious type of belly fat, often occur in women after they give birth or after weight gain occurs and the estrogen levels become high. These are called metabolic type of fat and typically require medical treatment to get rid of them.

Types of Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of It If you need help finding ways to get rid of belly fat, do not despair. Your doctor or nutritionist will be happy to assist you in figuring out what your diet is doing to put on fat. Keep in mind that changing your diet only needs to occur for several weeks to start seeing results. Therefore, you must be consistent with your efforts to get your weight to the goal level. Here are a few types of fat that you should consider eliminating from your diet, regardless of your current situation:

Visceral Fat is located in the abdominal area, around the top and sides, behind the pubic bone. It is a combination of fat cells and connective tissue that hold body tissue in place. It accounts for about 80% of your total body fat. While it is considered to be bad for your health, some types of visceral fat are actually beneficial for a number of reasons, so eliminating it can have long term health benefits.

Sugary Carbs are found in sodas, candy bars, fast food, and chips. They are quickly turned into sugar, when consumed and turned into fat when digested. They are also stored in the liver and kidneys and tend to get converted into fat when they are not burned up quickly enough. When you want to know how to lose fat in your belly, cut out these types of foods from your diet and replace them with healthier alternatives. They include complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that provide energy and can fill you up without packing on the pounds.

Custom Keto Meal Plan If you're looking for a diet plan that can teach you how to eliminate belly fat while fueling up your muscles, a custom set meal plan can help. This plan involves eating five or six smaller meals a day instead of the three large meals you're used to. This type of eating plan promotes a state of ketosis, which your body burns off fats at an amazing rate. And since ketones are created by your body, there is absolutely no storage of any fats whatsoever.

Strength Training You don't need to do anything fancy to lose visceral fat; just add a few key components to your diet and cardio workout and you'll lose your extra stomach fat. For example, if you have trouble sleeping at night, strength training can help you overcome that. Also, if you do not get enough cardio exercise, adding resistance training to your exercise routine can kick your metabolism into overdrive and help you burn fat more efficiently.

Diet And Cardio You don't have to go completely "carb-free" in this situation, as long as you eat healthy carbs like brown rice, whole grain breads and pastas, and protein from fish, chicken, eggs, and lean beef. Use this as a base for a diet plan that emphasizes healthy carbs (the type found in fruit and vegetables) and plenty of so your body can use those to burn fat instead of glycogen (the sugar you create when glycogen stores glucose). This type of diet plan requires the same amount of discipline as any other; eat at least three times a day with a high level of carbs/protein and you'll lose fat.
