4 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Faster by Adjusting Your Diet


It is common knowledge that weight loss diet plans often contain foods with low Glycemic Index (GI) ratings. The concept behind low GI diet plans is that the body's blood sugar will rise slowly so you do not feel hungry and thus eat less. Foods with a low GI are commonly described as "slow-burning" or "energy-efficient". Research has found that people following weight loss diet plans including low GI experiences significant weight loss when they avoid certain foods. Following these weight loss diet plans have also shown to increase weight loss and decrease the risk for diabetes.

weight loss diet

The benefits of consuming yogurt may help you lose weight. In one recent study conducted at the University of Minnesota, female adults who consumed yogurt had greater weight loss over a three-month period than those who did not consume yogurt. One research at the University of Illinois at Chicago also reported that participants who ate yogurt had greater weight loss over a three-month period.

Oatmeal Is Excellent For A Weight Loss Diet. You may have heard oatmeal being listed on weight loss diet plans, but what is it? Studies have shown that oatmeal is a wonderful source of fiber, which can help regulate your digestive system and reduce the risk of constipation. However, do not believe the ads for oatmeal that promise weight loss benefits because in general, fiber adds to the fat in your body. If you add too much fiber to your diet, you may experience bloating. To prevent bloating, eat yogurt that is made without added fiber, such as 100% fruit yogurt.

Vegetables Have Nutrients, Too! Fiber is only one component of a healthy diet. Vegetables also contain many nutrients that can help you lose weight. Studies have indicated that by including vegetables in your diet, you will lower your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and certain cancers, and you will also increase the amounts of energy that you get from eating.

Include Carrots and Broccoli in Your Weight Loss Diet. Both of these foods are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can prevent damage to your cells from free radicals. Antioxidants are found in both raw and cooked carrots and broccoli.

Eat Lettuce With Milk and Eggs. Many weight loss diet plans recommend eliminating eggs from your diet completely, but new studies show that you actually need eggs to be able to reap the benefits of protein intake. In one study that gave people a protein diet, they found that those who had eggs in their diet tended to have higher energy levels than those who did not have eggs. But they also found that there was no difference in the amount of weight loss between those who ate eggs every day versus those who never ate eggs.

Eat More Leafy Greens. Eating more leafy greens is one way to make sure that you're getting all the nutrients that you need. Eating several small meals each day will keep your metabolism high and your fat burning enzymes running as efficiently as possible. In addition, leafy greens contain a lot of fiber and phytosterols that work to burn calories. Because of these factors, leafy greens are an excellent weight loss diet food.

Drink More Water. Water has long been known to have an amazing effect on weight loss diet foods. Drinking more water keeps you hydrated which prevents you from consuming fewer calories and helps you feel full longer. In addition, drinking more water makes you feel fuller so that you do not eat as many calories when you have a snack between meals or if you have a snack before dinner.
